Sunday, October 31, 2010

Nov 1st to 5th

Glitter Words

We will have a very busy week. We will be working on:
  • G.K- Michelangelo's masterpieces ( The Pietá, The Moses and Sistine Chapel) and biography.

  • Grammar- Dependent and Independent Clauses wrap up, Compound and Complex sentences.

  • Reading & Writing-Maniac Magee Chapters 1 to 15, Poems, Tall Tales, Paragraphs.
Remember to get ready for our POETRY CONTEST.
Dates have changed due to the maintenance of our school auditorium. It will be held on November 17th, although the participants will be chosen in our classroom on November 3rd ( Oral skills evaluation).

  • Science- How are Animals classified? Invertebrates
Our Science test 1 will be on Friday 5th. Start studying at home:
  1. Is it Living or Nonliving? Cells, Tissues, Organs and Organ Systems Pages A8 to A15.
  2. How are living things classified? A16 to A 21
Please study from your book and notebook.
  • Spelling- List # 4
We will practice meanings and words this week( 15 words will be dictated and 5 meanings will be written).

Spelling List #4
1. apprentice11. tale
2. morgue12. exaggerate
3. tomb13. invertebrate
4. sculpt14. vertebrate
5. descent15. mollusks
6. strength16. arthropods
7.courage17. mammals
8. ceiling18. reptiles
9. upwards19.amphibians

  1. Read Maniac Magee at home.
  2. Bring a printed picture of THE PIETA, DAVID, SISTINE CHAPEL & THE MOSES from Michelangelo Buonarotti for Thursday 4th.
  3. Study for our Science Test 1. Friday 5th
  4. Practice one of the given poems. Wednesday 3rd
  5. Look up for the meanings of the last 10 Spelling words for Wednesday 3rd.
  6. Remember that The Edible Cell project will be presented on Monday 8th
Interesting Sites:

Science  Classification of living Organisms

Spanish assignments

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