Monday, January 31, 2011

Jan. 31st- Feb. 4th

Glitter Words

Welcome to February the month of Friendship and love.

Important assignments for the week:
1. Our G.K Test 1 will be on Friday 4th. Study: Renaissance Architecture, Brunelleschi and Baroque Art.

2.Bring for Thursday 3rd the following pictures printed. REMEMBER THAT THE PICTURES SHOULD NOT BE BIGGER THAN 7X7cms. They need to fit in your notebook in order to be framed and labeled in class.
  • The Piazza at St. Peter's Basilica
  • Bernini's Baldachin from St. Peter's Basilica
  • Fountain of the Four Rivers, Piaza Nova in Rome
  • Portrait of Bernini

3. Our Spelling test 2 will be on Thursday 3rd. 10 words and 10 sentences.

4. Next Tuesday 8th , we will have our Reading and writing Test 1. Study: Commas, Meeting Mr. Henry, Missing Links and Dwaina Brooks, and a short paragraph will be dictated from the stories read.

Topics to be worked in class by areas:


Spelling List 2. Writing coherent sentences and writing each word withh 100%accuracy will be the indicators to be evaluated.

  1. am
  2. is
  3. was
  4. were
  5. become
  6. became
  7. seem
  8. appear
  9. feel
  10. felt
  11. taste
  12. smell
  13. look
  14. unfortunate
  15. advised
  16. deliveries
  17. donate
  18. organized
  19. fountain
  20. obelisk
 We will start working with verbs during the term.
This week will be focused on Action and Linking Verbs            ( pages 92-95 will be done in class).

 We will read the story Dwaina Brooks from our Reading book pages 170-180

We will start working with the Baroque Artist, Gianlorenzo Bernini and some of his most important masterpieces.
  • The Piazza at St. Peter's Basilica
  • Bernini's Baldachin from St. Peter's Basilica
  • Fountain of the Four Rivers, Piaza Nova in Rome
  • Portrait of Bernini
We will continue working on Inheritance. "How do Scientist learn about Inheritance? Gregor Mendel. pages A60- A66

Watch this video, it will help you understand better the usage of Punnet Squares.

I hope that you find this information handy and helpful.

Have a wonderful week, 
Ms. Marinés Betancourt

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