Sunday, October 31, 2010

Nov 1st to 5th

Glitter Words

We will have a very busy week. We will be working on:
  • G.K- Michelangelo's masterpieces ( The Pietá, The Moses and Sistine Chapel) and biography.

  • Grammar- Dependent and Independent Clauses wrap up, Compound and Complex sentences.

  • Reading & Writing-Maniac Magee Chapters 1 to 15, Poems, Tall Tales, Paragraphs.
Remember to get ready for our POETRY CONTEST.
Dates have changed due to the maintenance of our school auditorium. It will be held on November 17th, although the participants will be chosen in our classroom on November 3rd ( Oral skills evaluation).

  • Science- How are Animals classified? Invertebrates
Our Science test 1 will be on Friday 5th. Start studying at home:
  1. Is it Living or Nonliving? Cells, Tissues, Organs and Organ Systems Pages A8 to A15.
  2. How are living things classified? A16 to A 21
Please study from your book and notebook.
  • Spelling- List # 4
We will practice meanings and words this week( 15 words will be dictated and 5 meanings will be written).

Spelling List #4
1. apprentice11. tale
2. morgue12. exaggerate
3. tomb13. invertebrate
4. sculpt14. vertebrate
5. descent15. mollusks
6. strength16. arthropods
7.courage17. mammals
8. ceiling18. reptiles
9. upwards19.amphibians

  1. Read Maniac Magee at home.
  2. Bring a printed picture of THE PIETA, DAVID, SISTINE CHAPEL & THE MOSES from Michelangelo Buonarotti for Thursday 4th.
  3. Study for our Science Test 1. Friday 5th
  4. Practice one of the given poems. Wednesday 3rd
  5. Look up for the meanings of the last 10 Spelling words for Wednesday 3rd.
  6. Remember that The Edible Cell project will be presented on Monday 8th
Interesting Sites:

Science  Classification of living Organisms

Spanish assignments

Friday, October 29, 2010

Speeches( Indicators ) - Science Review

These will be the indicators that will be evaluated in our first term speeches. Read them, and take each one into account while preparing your speech.

Miss Maria Esperanza prepared this review. It will help you to start studying at home for our Science Test 1.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

October 25th - 29th

October 25th -29th
We will be working on different topics during this week. We will see the differences between the Independent and Dependent Clauses, we will learn how to write a paragraph, and also we will know how living things are classified.
      G.K Test: It will be on Friday 29th. Study:
      Renaissance, The Ideal Renaissance Man, Leonardo Da Vinci, The Mona Lisa and the two versions of the Virgin of the Rocks.
       Spelling List #3: 
5C Practice words and sentences (no meanings this time)
1) supporting, 2)develop, 3)facts, 4)indentation, 5)restoration, 6)uncertain, 7)refectory, 8)fresco, 9) mural, 10)apostle, 11)betray, 12)halos, 13)classify, 14)kingdom, 15) structure, 16) nucleus, 17)genus, 18)species, 19)interbreed, 20) resemble

      Start practicing at home this poem.Our poetry contest  will be in few weeks!

When Sarah Surfs the Internet

When Sarah surfs the Internet
she starts by checking mail.
She answers all her messages
from friends in great detail.

She plays a game, or maybe two,
and watches a cartoon,
then chats with kids in places
like Rwanda and Rangoon.

She reads about her favorite bands.
She buys an MP3.
She downloads movie trailers
and she looks for stuff for free.

She reads about celebrities
and dreams of wealth and fame,
then watches music videos
and plays another game.

If you should say, "Your time is up.
I need to use the Net,"
she always whines, "I haven't got
my homework finished yet!"

--Kenn Nesbit

The World's Fastest Bicycle
My bicycle's the fastest
that the world has ever seen;
it has supersonic engines
and a flame-retardant sheen.

My bicycle will travel
a gazillion miles an hour --
it has rockets on the handlebars
for supplemental power.

The pedals both are jet-propelled
to help you pedal faster,
and the shifter is equipped
with an electric turbo-blaster.

The fender has a parachute
in case you need to brake.
Yes, my bike is undeniably
the fastest one they make.

My bicycle's incredible!
I love the way it feels,
and I'll like it even more
when Dad removes the training wheels.
--Kenn Nesbitt

Don't forget to visit Miss Ines's blog.

November! Interesting sites & games!

Interesting sites:

Game about Living Things Classification :
Game ( Leonardo's mysterious Machinery):

CELL PROJECT: The students will be asked to build an edible cell model at home and bring it to the classroom. This project will be done in pairs, each member will have to cooperate and get involved in the project in order to be graded.  
Pairs are assigned by list numbers in 5C:
1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, 17-18, 19-20, 21-22, 23-24, 25-26, 27-28, 29-30.

We will organize this year a great feast for our maintenance personnel on Thanksgiving Day. Each boy's colaboration will be trully appreciated by our school workers. Let's put our monthly virtue into practice! I'm sure I can count on you!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

October 18th -22nd

If you are interested in our latest Science topics,  you can visit the following sites!
Life Processes
Nice Chart of the 7 Life Processes!

From Cells to systems

Nice Cell Parts Chart
Take into account:

Wednesday:  Maniac Magee class activity. Chapters 1-5.

Thursday: Spelling list 2 (10 words,9 meanings, 1 sentence)
Spelling List # 2 :1)burglar, 2)altar, 3)display,4) depth, 5)smile, 6) landscape, 7) dissect, 8)retrieve, 9) crypt,10)retrace 11) cemetery 12)scent 13)dart, 14)withdraw,     15)faith,    16) anticipation, 17) waste,    18)system, 19)organ 20) tissue
 Friday: Grammar Quiz 2 .Practice: Complete Subjects and Complete Predicates, Simple Subjects and  Simple Predicates.  Irregular Verbs from cast to feel.