Sunday, January 15, 2012

Literacy for 21st Century Learners

There are different definitions of Literacy nowadays.

Teachers must take into account more aspects while teaching literacy. It is no longer about writing or reading. It is about using contemporary skills, to activate prior and fundamental  knowledge as wells as to have    students think critically.

Professor Daniel Churchil presents new literacy components like this:

The world is changing, and our teaching needs to adapt to these changes. We need to ask our students to create. That is our goal.

How are we going to put into practice so many things at the 
same time?
How are we going to follow the curriculum and at the same time have our students create?
We need to be collaborative, creative and digital as well as our students.

We need to learn from other teachers:

There are easy ways to look for interesting classroom ideas and helpful sources:
I recently joined pinterest juts trying to look for some images to celebrate 100th day of school. I found more than what I was expecting. Just try to log in create a board and pin interesting links.

Motivate Creating

  • Blogs
What to teach your students before blogging?

Class Web pages 

Online Writing Contest

Poetry Contests

Class Awards  Feel free to use the following awards that I´ve created ( personal use only). Your students will love them. You can edit them with any program, microsoft powerpoint works well.
Best Reader of the week

Best reader of the week

Collaborative Projects

We started using glogster last month. My students have created different digital posters related to class topics and related to things they like. They make comments to their classmates´s work. In this way, they appreciate what the other person has done and learn from him-her. They need to find images and videos that are appropriate to their topics as well as they need to write about the facts they are asked to research about.

They are able to put into practice the three skills in one project.
This was our Unit of Inquiry project about animals.
This is what we got as a result, using edu.glogster:

  • Digital story Telling
You can change your daily routine by choosing or assigning to read a book online:,84&langid=11&pnum=1&cnum=1&text=&lang=English&ilang=English

Read online with your students and donate a book to those in need.

 You can have students hear and watch  a story.

  • Lesson Plans and Assessment
  • Collaborative Rubric
  • Project based Learning Rubrics

  • Prezi  is a cloud-based presentation software that opens up a new world between whiteboards and slides. The zoomable canvas makes it fun to explore ideas and the connections between them. The result: visually captivating presentations that lead your audience down a path of discovery.

  • Animoto
Animoto automatically produces beautifully orchestrated, completely unique video pieces from your photos, video clips, and music.

  • Web 2.0 21st Century tools Check this compiled list of useful tools to engage your students.

  • Popplet   it is a platform to share ideas online .

Our world is definitely another.
Each of our student has a different way of learning, and seeing this 21st century world.
It´s in our hands do our best to guide them and prepare them to grow and achieve the best results.

Ms. Marines Betancourt de Alfonzo

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Last Entry

Important Information for this week:
  • Bring a large size  blue- green gift bag, or 2 sheets of gift wrapping paper for Thursday 16th.
  • Term Exams study guide:

We are working with the last art movement that will be studied during this school year :Cubism. 

Paste the following images before Thursday 16th in your G.K notebook ( after the information pasted about Cubism).
  • Violin and Candlestick by Braque
  • One image from Picasso.
The information about Pablo Picasso will be introduced during this week. 
Bring these two images for Thursday 17th to be pasted in class.
  • Guernica by Pablo Picasso

We've moved to unit C. We will start studying What Changes the Earth's Surface? Page C-21
Take a look at: (An animation from NASA depicting the layers of the earth)

We will start working with some indefinite and some reflexive pronouns.

We won't have a Spelling test during this week.
Take this time to prepare yourself for  the coming term exams.
Reading and Writing.
We will talk about the parts of a story. Read "The Hero Man".

It has been really a pleasure to work with such an amazing group. I'm sure that you will succeed and become great and integer men.
Always your Miss,
Ms. Marinés Betancourt de Alfonzo

Monday, June 6, 2011

June 6th- 10th

Important Information for this week:

We will work with the last art movement that will be studied during this school year :Cubism. 

Start reviewing topics from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd terms for our Open Class that will be held in our school's auditorium on June 14th at 8:00 am.Remember to bring your daily uniform with your sweater or vest.
  • Remember to bring before Friday 10th your canvas, an old shirt, one fine brush, and the draft of your favorite painting studied in class.
We've moved to unit C. We will start studying How The Earth's Crust Move? ( C14 -17)
Take a look at: (An animation from NASA depicting the layers of the earth)

Our Grammar Test II is on Tuesday 7th. Study:
  • Subject and Object Pronouns
  • Pronouns and Antecedents
  • Possessive Pronouns
Start reviewing all the Grammar topics from 1st, 2nd and 3rd terms for our Open Class that will be held in our school's auditorium on June 14th at 8:00 am.
We won't have a Spelling test during this week.
Take this time to prepare your G.K speeches and to review for the Open Class.
Reading and Writing.
  •   Bring your book From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E Frankweiller on Wednesday 8th an evaluated activity will be done in class.

Every boy and the teams worked really hard. The grades will be pasted on the agendas during the week.


Sunday, May 29, 2011

May 30th - June 3rd

Important Information for this week:
  • Remember to bring a flower for the Virgin  on Tuesday 31st. 
  • Early dismissal (11:15)on Friday 3rd.

Start reviewing topics from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd terms for our Open Class that will be held in our school's auditorium on June 14th at 8:00 am.
  • Remember to bring before Friday 3rd, your canvas, an old shirt, one fine brush, and the draft of your favorite painting studied in class.
We've moved to unit C. We will start studying How The Earth's Crust Move? ( C14 -17)
Take a look at: (An animation from NASA depicting the layers of the earth)

Our Grammar Test II has been moved to June 7th. These are the topics that must be studied:
  • Subject and Object Pronouns
  • Pronouns and Antecedents
  • Possessive Pronouns
Homework: Complete the Review from page 155 in your notebook for Monday 30th.

  • Start reviewing all the Grammar topics from 1st, 2nd and 3rd terms for our Open Class that will be held in our school's auditorium on June 14th at 8:00 am.
We won't have a Spelling test during this week. Take this time to prepare your G.K speeches and to review for the Open Class.
Reading and Writing.
  •   Read at home chapters 1 to 10 from the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E Frankweiller.

Pay attention to the assigned dates. I'm sure you will do a wonderful teamwork as always!

More information coming next week

Sunday, May 22, 2011

May 23rd - May 27th

Important Information for this week:

We will work with Mary Cassatt during the week.
Bring the following images (7x7cm)  for Thursday 19th.
  1. Sel-Portrait by Mary Cassatt
  2. Sleepy Baby by Mary Cassatt

We've moved to unit C. Now, we will start studying The Earth Layers. ( C8-11)
Take a look at: (An animation from NASA depicting the layers of the earth)

We will start working with Possessive Pronouns pages 152- 155

: Complete the Review from page 155 in your notebook for Monday 30th.
We will work with sentences during this week. 20 words will be dictated and 10 sentences will be given.
Homework: Write sentences from11 to 20 at home for Wednesday 25th.

List  #5
  1. atmosphere
  2. hydrosphere
  3. lithosphere
  4. crust
  5. mantle
  6. core
  7. temperature
  8. layer
  9. rock
  10. earth
  11. visitor
  12. chopsticks
  13. disappointed
  14. haiku
  15. clog
  16. puzzle
  17. slide
  18. glimpse
  19. nursery
  20. Philadelphia
Reading and Writing.
  •   Read at home chapters 1 to 8 from the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E Frankweiller.
  • We will read the short story" A visitor from Japan" pages 328 and 329
  • Our Reading and Writing Test 1 will be on Friday 27th. Remember to review:
- The Memory Box
- The Marble Champ
- Descriptive Paragraph

We will start next week. Pay attention to the assigned dates. I'm sure you will do a wonderful teamwork as always!

More information coming next week

Monday, May 16, 2011

May 16th -May 20th

Good Will Week!
Let's treat each other with respect.

Important Information for this week:

We will work with Vincent Van Gogh during the week.
Bring the following images (7x7cm)  for Thursday 19th.
  1. Sel-Portrait
  2. Starry Night ( if you didn't paste it with Impressionism)
  3. The Potato eaters
  4. Sunflowers
Remember to bring on Tuesday 17th, your own colored, painted or drawn version of one of the paintings studied in class, together with a small image of the original. Use a white cardboard or a white paper letter sized.

We have our Science Test 1 on Friday 20th. Remember to study the following topics:
  1. What are Elements?
  2. The Periodic Table
  3. Atoms, molecules and compounds.
We will keep working on Mixtures and Solutions B24- B27. Read at home about these topics.

We will start working with Pronouns and antecedents.

Extra practice: 

We will work with meanings during this week. 20 words will be dictacted and 10 meanings will be given.
Homework: Look for the meanings from11 to 20 at home for Wednesday 18th.

List  # 4
  1. dealer
  2. missionary
  3. failure
  4. laborer
  5. breakdown
  6. delusion
  7. throughout
  8. cope
  9. parallel
  10. pattern
  11. avocado
  12. composition
  13. antecedent
  14. wheelchair
  15. crystal
  16. between
  17. among
  18. until
  19. about
  20. across
Reading and Writing.
  •   Read at home chapters 1 to 6from the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E Frankweiller.
  • We will work with Parallelism in Writing.

The information has been distributed. Pay attention to the assigned dates. I'm sure you will do a wonderful teamwork as always!

More information coming next week